Monday, May 21, 2012

Advice from Princess Di

I call her Princess Di. My splendid agent, Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency, has strengthened me to grow as a writer, a woman of God, a person. She helped me birth my first book, Two Scoops of Grace with Chuckles on Top, which released last month. And she's full of wisdom.

In a recent phone conversation where I ranted over a perceived wrong, she spoke soft and warm,
sister-like, "Watch the enemy, Jeanette. He'd like to steal your joy from you in this time you should be celebrating. You want to enjoy the journey. Our flesh says, 'Everything hinges on this first book. But that's not true. We have GOD on our side."

Wow. See why I call her Princess Di? She helps me remember who I belong to, and that with Him, nothing is impossible.

Do you have any princesses or princes in your life? What words of wisdom stand out in your mind that have helped you overcome life's difficulties and Satan's alarms?


  1. Oh wow--you are blessed to have her as your agent to give you such wisdom!
    I have a best friend who does that for me when I call up whining about life--she reminds me to look for the nuggets of gold:)

  2. Those who speak or point me to God's Word are my "Princesses/Princes"--and not only to the "feel-good" passages but to the hard ones, too.

  3. Thanks, Terri and Rebecca. We need each other for cheerleading AND correcting!

  4. God always gives us an angel(or princess/prince) - awesome for you - yours is your agent too!

    Thanks for sharing - so much truth here.

  5. You are blessed to have such a wise agent. I would say my best friend and my sisters are the voice of wisdom for me.

  6. You are blessed to have a Princess in your life. I have a dear friend who does the same for me. Women friends are the best, aren't they? A bit of heaven here on earth. :-)

  7. You are truly blessed to have someone to remind you of having God in your journey. I have two for sure close friends who remind me whose I am. In these relationships, it works both ways.


Oh, it's YOU! I'm so happy to see you here today, and look forward to reading your comments.