Published Works, Jeanette Levellie:
Love to create (with words, art, music, crafts, dance, film)?
Need more time to create?
Procrastinate when you have a deadline?
Enjoy humor?
Like to read how experts in your
field manage their time?
Shock the Clock will help. Filled with stories, charts based on your personality, and whimsical cartoons, Shock the Clock will give you ideas for making the most of the minutes, years, and life God has given you. (Click on the underlined book title above to order)
Need hope?
A miracle?
Or simply a shot of encouragement?
A miracle?
Or simply a shot of encouragement?
Co-authored with Beth Gormong, this women's interactive devotional journal filled with modern and Biblical accounts from women who overcame impossible odds to break through to the miracle they needed, offers hope for your miracle.
Available at:
Love Yourself Just as You Are
Wrestle with low self-worth
Wonder if it's really God's will for you to
love yourself, and
Sometimes feel lower than a worm in
a snake's back yard,
Hello, Beautiful! will help.
An interactive journal for women who doubt their value and need help to love themselves. Includes forty personal stories, coloring
pages, and journaling prompts.
Available at:
Touchable God: Finding the Lord's Friendship Through Prayer
Do you long for an intimate walk with the Lord, comforably talking with and hearing from Him?
Touchable God helps you find the joy-filled relationship with God you've always craved.
Section I contains twenty stories from my own journey in prayer. Written in a warm, casual style, these glimpses into my heart will encourage you to believe for the Lord's intervention in your own life. Section II consists of my own bold, sometimes poetic prayers for friends in crisis. These Biblically-based prayers will help you approach God's throne and find the answers you and your friends need during a crisis.
Available at Amazon: and
The Heart of Humor: Sixty Helpings of Hilarity to Nourish Your Soul
Clean laugh-out-loud stories to help add more
laughter to your life. Includes:
Comical drawings by Ron Levellie, former professional animator,
Humor quotes,
Lists of funny movies, and
Fun articles to help you lighten up your life
and find hilarity in unlikely places.
Each of the sixty chapters ends with an
inspirational Christian thought
Available at Amazon:
Barnes & Noble:

Two Scoops of Grace with Chuckles on Top
My first book published in 2012 and still selling! Included 72 Stories Sprinkled with Laughter to Help You Discover the Sweetness of God's Heart for You
Enjoy a fun, often hilarious peek into my heart and life to see the many messes God rescues me from and what I learned from them.
Each chapter ends with a list of "Two Scoops and a Sprikle" feature, a list of thre truths from Jesus's heart to help you believe more in His sweet, amazing grace.
Available at Amazon::
Barnes & Noble:
Articles, Stories, other:
Jeanette is a multi-published author who's written for Mornings with Jesus, a daily devotional published by Guideposts since 2019,
Guideposts (since 2019),
Angels on Earth (since 2019),
Strength and Grace (since 2021),
Someone Cares (greeting cards published by Guideposts),
and over fiftteen Guideposts anthologies.
Jeanette has contributed regularly to these magazines:
Faith and Friends (since 2010),
Live (since 2010),
Vista (2009-2014)
The hundreds of additional publications from 1980 to the present include (but not limited to):
Chicken Soup for the Soul antholigies,
Focus on the Family,,
The Upper Room,
War Cry,
The Secret Place,
Power for Living,
Light from the Word,
The Christian Communicator,
The Gem,
God's World Today,
The Prairie Press (newspaper column and feature articles from 2000-2016),
Country Extra
Leanin' Tree greeting cards