Tuesday, July 2, 2024

How do you celebrate?

   Every year on Independence Day, Kevin and I love to attend our local City Band concert. These talented musicians play marches and other patriotic songs, and the atmosphere reverberates with patriotism. 

What's your favorite way to celebrate the 4th of July?

Thursday, June 6, 2024

How Can Good come from Bad?

       I had surgery in April to replace three wonky discs in my neck. The surgery went well, but the recovery was rough. I whined most days about what I couldn't do, even though Kevin, my Prince of a husband was willing to do everything for me (including housework and cooking!). After I got the dreaded collar removed and the dr. released me with no restrictions, I realized that not only was my nerve pain relieved, but also my posture had improved. What I thought was hindering me actually helped me!

          Kevin's aunt passed away a couple weeks ago. She was 98 and very sick.  Although we and all her family will miss her, we are happy she is in heaven with Jesus and her late husband, rejoicing and celebrating. 
          Jesus promised us in Romans 8:28, "I will work all things for your good if you love me." He will work the bad things in our lives for good. Our part is to love Him and put our lives in His hands. He knows how to redeem the worst situation and turn it around because He is God. 

Have you experienced Jesus making lemonade from your lemons? Do tell. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Why We Love Spring

Most people love Spring. And there are excellent reasons:
Baby animals are everywhere, giving us hope for the future.
Flowers and butterflies fill our senses with joy.
Warmer weather means more time spent outdoors. What's YOUR favorite aspect of Spring? Mine is everything!

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Laughter or Tears? Sometimes Both

Our daughter's birthday is today. I gave her several gifts and a sparkly purple card. We are taking her to one of her favorite restaurants for dinner. I'm excited she was born! But she's not. She doesn't like adding another year to her age. It depresses her. Sigh. If only I was her age again! I wouldn't get lightheaded when I stand up from squatting down to clean out the cat boxes. I could stay awake later than 9 p.m. every night. I wouldn't need pills for high blood pressure and pain that bounces from my hips to my head. So. I'm laughing but she's crying. Over the same event! We are different, all right.
If you have a loved one who's vastly different from you, that's a good thing. It means you complement one another. When she's crying, you can encourage her. And when you're depressed, she can lift you up. If you both have Jesus in your lives, better yet. He shares in every little and big event, whether it brings laughter or tears. He's the Best Friend anyone can have. Is Jesus in your life? If not, contact me and we can chat about Him.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Wanna Write?

This year's Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat has a star-studded faculty that will help you make your dreams of writing come true! I got my start at a writers conference like this one, where I met editors, publishers, agents, and BEST of all, fellow-writers who were gracious enough to show me the ropes. I think conferences like these are the best way to hone your skills and find encouragement in your writing journey. My two classes, Shock the Clock: Time Management Secrets for Creatives and Humor Helps and Sells, are included in this year's line up. I'd love to meet you!