Monday, September 28, 2009

Wrestling with Time

Do you wrestle with time, trying without success to manage it? I heard these words in my heart recently:

" You have enough time to do all I've called you to do, with time left over to relax. What have you added?"

Ouch. And thanks. Please show me what I've added, Lord. Then show me how to eliminate it, so I am resting in You, not wrestling with time.
P.S. Please return Wednesday and Friday for a fun interview and book givaway with humor writer Jim Watkins.


  1. I can see that you're making great progress with your book!! That must mean that you're managing to fit in everything you need! This fall I have been especially careful about what I commit to doing outside of my family and writing. Even though I can tell people I have a contract and will be busy editing and writing my next book, I still don't think they get it!! Isn't that funny and sad? But I know right now I'm doing what God wants for me to do!

  2. I smiled when I read your post, because I just tweeted that I need more time in my days or less stuff to do! I'm putting myself in that prayer you lifted up!!!! :)

  3. I'm praying about the elimination process currently (I should add b/c of our poop jokes, I mean eliminating things I'm writing/doing ;)
    ~ Wendy

  4. I read a book about lies women believe in trying to do and have it all but we always seem we never have enough time. Like you said, the Bible tells us we have enough time to do all we are called to do. Sometimes we have to eliminate things in our lives that aren't as important as we think. It's really tough to do. I struggle as well.

  5. I wrote an article recently about just saying no. I know that is a big problem of mine - saying yes to things that consume my time. In my "old age" I am trying to become more aware of how much I say yes to things that God may not be calling me to do. Great Post Jen.

  6. I must admit. I am very good about arriving places on time. But I feel really guilty when I look at the clock and find I didn't get much accomplished with my day.I feel like I should be doing more. So I've started looking at time stealers. I know I have enough time, but I find it I don't get started early the day runs past me. Then the guilt comes with the question. What did you do today?

  7. What a timely post! Thank you for sharing the answer you received. I struggle with time so often and forget that finding a balance doesn't necessarily mean working harder and dividing my time better. Sometimes it means stopping some things altogether and looking for what's important within what I've deemed important.

  8. I seem to find extra activities to fill in His time. :O)

  9. As the season changes so does my time structure. I'm finding balance at the moment and I love how the Lord helps me navigate these tricky waters.

  10. Hope you are getting a lot of good writing done. We're all pulling for you, I'm sure. Isn't it great that God gives us enough time for what's imortant. And relxing is important, too. What bothers me are robbers like "things that don't work and you have to fix them." I don't know what to do about that.

  11. Hi Jen -

    Great post and one I needed to read! With all the so-called timesaving devices, we're busier than ever.

    Susan :)

  12. I have had a time issue of late as well. I guess it is time to just stop and listen and be told for a change.

  13. Yes, I wrestle with time. And more often than not, it's in doing My things rather than His.

    Oh, I love Jim Watkins. Great!

  14. Thanks, dear friends. As I near the finish line of my revisions on my first ms. I rejoice in God's faithfulness.
    Love you all,

  15. Wrestle with? HA! How 'bout I cage fight with time!


  16. Jeanette:
    I wrestle with time and always seem to lose. If I sleep in I feel as if I am playing 'catch-up' all day.

  17. Hi Jen!

    I'm so glad I dropped in! The fight with time is nothing compared to the fight with me to delegate my time the way I know God is calling me to.

    He is so gracious to give us all that we need to accomplish the work he has set before us- if we would just follow His lead.

    Blessings to you...I'm off to work on my WIP while all is quiet.

  18. Hmm, I wouldn't say I wrestle with time. More like my priorities. When I do what I've prioritized, then I don't feel bad about sitting around and relaxing. :-)

    Your blog is working today! Yay.

  19. I bet you've got it down!! Your book is gaining I can see by the bar:)


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