Friday, May 21, 2010

You Gotta Make it Fun

When Kevin was a youth pastor, one of our children's workers was a cross between Super Nanny and Sergeant Carter (from the Gomer Pyle TV show).
She loved the kids, but had a mighty odd way of showing them.

At one Vacation Bible School outdoor game time
she bellowed to some reluctant students,
"You came here to have fun, and by golly, you're gonna have fun!"

I frequently make confessions about my writing. One is, "I have fun writing." I need to remind myself of that when I read articles and blog posts about marketing, building a tribe, entering contests, editing, reading books in my genre, finding my niche, creating a brand, social networking, starting and maintaining a critique group, and getting the most from writers conferences. Not to mention writing blog posts that appeal to the most discriminate literary palate.

What happened to the fun?

If I'm not careful and prayerful, I lose sight of one of the reasons I began writing: I love it. I was created for this.
To paraphrase a line from a favorite movie:
"When I write, I feel God's pleasure."
I can think of no other more enjoyable activity.

I work hard at my writing. I will never say, "I'm the best I'll ever be." I must always strive for more growth. But when it stops feeling fun, I will fold up my laptop and go find a vacation Bible school with some great games, and a leader who knows how to make it zing.

Do you have fun writing? If you're not a writer, what activities cause you to feel God's pleasure?

Have a fun weekend,


  1. It lights a fire in me and I can honestly say few things in this world are as fun for me as writing is.


    ~ Wendy

  2. It's my favorite thing still to do! I know that cause I felt like giving up last week and then I thought what would I do that I enjoy as much?

  3. Yes, I do have fun writing and I pray I will NEVER allow satan to still my joy in this area or any other area of my life. I am so thankful GOD gave me the burning desire to write...LOVE IT...LOVE IT...LOVE IT.
    Hugs, andrea

  4. Yes, Jen, I find writing to be incredibly fun. I still remember story fragments I wrote from 15 years ago. :)

  5. I'm not sure if "fun" is the word that best describes my approach to writing. It isn't always an easy process but I love it anyway. One of my favourite books is Jane Yolen's TAKE JOY: A WRITER'S GUIDE TO LOVING THE CRAFT. She says, "A writer puts words on a page. An author lives in the story." When I can escape into a story all other distractions and mundane aspects of the business fade away. If I had to push myself to write I probably wouldn't. But escaping into the writing life is such a joy that I can't wait to get at it each day.

  6. I have fun with writing, at times. Thanks for the reminder, Jeanette. I do want my writing to glorify Him. Have a great weekend.

  7. Hi Jen -

    I have the same challenges writing as I have reading the Word. I love them both, but it takes discipline to make myself sit down and do it.

    Susan :)

  8. I do have fun writing; I am blessed that it is my calling:)

  9. Lately, blogging writing is more fun for me and seems to consume a lot of brain power all throughout the day. I am enjoying learning and growing through it. :O)

  10. When I visit Jeanette's blog, I feel God's pleasure. :)


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