Friday, March 4, 2011

Are you Trying too Hard?

From my prayer journal many years ago…

Lord, I need encouragement today. I really don’t want to go by my feelings, or I wouldn’t have a good day at all. I know I have to choose joy and choose to have peace rather than turmoil, but I need Your help even in the choosing. I need you to show me what to do and how to think in order to choose joy rather than sorrow. And I need You to send me encouragement, because right now I just don’t care about anything. To care would mean work, and I’d rather rest and sleep and escape.”

Jeanette, I don’t want you to CARE. I will care for you. When you TAKE CARE, it means you aren’t giving me a chance to help you and care for you. You are trying to do it yourself and that’s pride. When you let go and relax, My spirit takes over and gets the job done in an almost effortless way. You know it’s Me when you don’t have to struggle to get it and struggle to keep it. For Me to carry you, you need to simply relax and not wiggle down and run off. Trusting Me means allowing Me to carry you.


I am forever amazed at the timelessness of God’s words. I hope His shepherding of my heart spoke to yours today. May you rest in Him, allowing Him to care for you.




  1. Thanks. Sometimes encouragement comes at the most unexpected times and places. Cathy

  2. Thanks, Jeanette, I needed the reminder that it's not in my struggling, but yielding that brings peace. You're a sweetie!

  3. I can't tell you how many times in the past six months I've visualized wrapping up my concerns and handing them to Him.

    Have it, I say. Have it, Lord and give back only what you will.

    ~ Wendy

  4. Elaine Miller has prayer journals too that she loves. Maybe I should start them up for me. Hmmmm! :O)

  5. I know that Voice! Thanks for sharing this. I hope you're feeling better??

    Thinking of you...

  6. I need to read this everyday. Thank you so much. I love and miss you.

  7. That's a beautiful reminder. I find myself trying too hard too sometimes. I need to give it up to God more.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this precious nugget of truth with us.


  9. Sometimes we're just plain stubborn control freaks :) God is wise! I love this post...

  10. A few years ago, I was at a Beth Moore conference and in the last session she said, "Ask the Lord what he has for you just now." Those exact words came to me . . . QUIT TRYING SO HARD. So I did.

    Thanks for a great post.


    PS. Are you recovered from your foot surgery?

  11. I am also comforted when I remind myself that God is in control and I don't have to try so hard.

    Thanks for sharing such an honest post with us!

  12. Amen, and Awesome!!
    Thank you for sharing your journey. I struggle with letting Him carry me, and He usually lets me hit rock bottom, and it is at that point I cry-out for Him and He rescues me.

    God bless,

  13. Thanks for asking about my foot. I am recovering nicely, thanks to Jesus, a wheelchair at work, and obedience to dr's orders! I should have this heavy-duty boot off on St. Patrick's Day. Aye, and fer sure!

  14. Such wise words. I often try too hard in my strength. Never works quite as well as when I trust Him to help. :)

  15. Just by reading this, I feel such comfort:)


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