Monday, November 21, 2011

The Unchanging Goal; Final PW Speaks post

Please join me at The Pastors Wife Speaks today for my final post on this lovely blog that will retire November 30th.

I'd like you to know what goal always stays at the top of my list.

It concerns YOU.


  1. It's always sad to say good bye to something we love. You helped me understand what it might be like to be a pastor's wife. I had no idea. Your joyful stories always cheer me up. Like you, I enjoy finding humor in things that might now always be so funny. Continued blessings on all of your projects.

  2. Jeanette:
    Went there. It is sad when something ends. We all appreciate knowing that you take the time to lift us up to the Lord.


Oh, it's YOU! I'm so happy to see you here today, and look forward to reading your comments.