Sunday, March 11, 2012

I love You, Daylight Savings Time!

WELCOME, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME! I love you, longer days. You remind me of Heaven, where there is no night, because Jesus shines brighter than any sun. I wish we had you all year long.

To celebrate DST, I will be unplugged for then next week or so. Also to fly to Spokane, Washington and speak at the Inland NW Christian Writers Conference--my first, but not my last!

Have a fun, sunny week,


  1. You silly goose...The days are no longer :)

    How exciting - to be speaking at the convention! I know those who hear will be blessed.

  2. Rebecca: Really? You burst my bubble!

  3. All they did was change the times of sunshine. It's dark longer in the morning. I used to have to be upabout 5:00-5:30ish and it was horrible getting out the door around 6: 15 in June,and July and it still was fairly dark. I love you but we will have this difference. :)

  4. You will be a true blessing at the conference.

  5. I've been running behind all week so still recovering from the time change. May you have a wonderful speaking engagement!


Oh, it's YOU! I'm so happy to see you here today, and look forward to reading your comments.