Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How to Attract More People

#attractiveness #lies #Jesus #innerlife

Do clothes make the person?
What attracts people to you? To a greater degree than marketing specialists and advertising managers would like you to know, what draws others to you is primarily on the inside. It’s hidden in your heart.
Our society spends billions of dollars and countless hours a year on clothes, make-up, shoes, hair products, and weight-loss programs to attract other people to us. And perhaps, if we'll admit it, to make ourselves feel more attractive, more lovable.
But the focus is on the parts—the outsides—that have little power to change a heart or make a life more meaningful.
Are you not bombarded daily with messages that if you buy the right shampoo, try the newest fail-proof diet, or wear the latest designer clothes, then you’ll draw the right people to your side who will give you ultimate happiness?
Those messages are lies. 
If Jesus Christ lives in you,
you posess the ultimate attractiveness 
The world and the god of the world—Satan—would like us to believe that when we have the ultimate head of hair or the perfect perfume, we are attractive. The truth of God’s word is that kindness, humility, and grace draw people to us. The inner qualities of Jesus’ Spirit at work in the secret places of our hearts make people want to be around us because they sense authenticity and warmth.
Let’s quit listening to the lies of society and Satan, and focus on what matters most: the hidden person of the heart, and the source of true attractiveness—the Lord Jesus Christ and His ways.
Have you ever known someone who was not attractive by worldly standards, but whom everyone wanted to be friends with, because they made people feel significant?


  1. Good words, Jeanette. I know I don't "measure up" according to the world's standards, but my prayer every morning is that I can be a blessing to someone each day.

    1. That is the perfect prayer, Barb, and I know Jesus is proud of you!

  2. You are are so right. I am attracted to a person who has it going on in the inside. That's what counts to me and if they do...it shows on the outside.

    1. I agree, Terry. If they are full of love and grace, their face glows!

  3. You've nailed it. Those people who others clamor to be around have that inner beauty the world will never understand.

  4. Hi Jeanette! I do know people like that. I have one older friend who is not beautiful as the world judges it. But she is so peaceful, faithful, prayerful and positive you can't help but be attracted to her.

    Seeing past the front page is the best way to get the news!

    1. Ooooh I like that little truth about the front page, Ceil! May I quote you?

    2. Anytime, my dear. Anytime!
      Hugs, Ceil

  5. When God made us, He gave us that inner beauty that only comes from His being in our hearts. Yes, your thoughts are 'spot on.' I met a gentleman at our church who was formerly homeless and had been diagnosed with Cancer. He live out his faith. He had a Bible study at the nursing home where he lived. He could not read. But he was lead to share what he heard with those at the home.

    1. Wow, that's terrific, Quiet! What a sweet witness he was!

  6. It's interesting when you meet someone who is confident no matter what their appearance. I think that many people are often drawn to them as they would love to have whatever they have that makes it so. My desire is to shine from the inside out not on my own, but because of Him.
    Blessings sweet friend,
    Karen :)

  7. The women who have influenced me the most, clearly have the spirit of the Living God within them, and it shines without. But they also take care of their outsides, too. Not to what some might think of as excess, but they present themselves well with color and tastefully chosen clothes and then over all of that, the love for Him and others that radiates through their lives. I want to be like that when I grow up! :)

    P.S. - Your new pictures are great! I like what you did with your own "outsides." :D

  8. I have a dear friend, whose face shines with the love of Jesus. When we first met, she said very little. Yet, I knew I wanted to get to know her.

    I think about the scripture in the New Testament that unbelievers took note of Christians that they'd been with Jesus. There was something in their appearance and demeanor that drew others to Him. That's true beauty.


Oh, it's YOU! I'm so happy to see you here today, and look forward to reading your comments.