Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Where's the Wisdom?

When I read James 1: 5, "If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won't correct you for asking" (CEV), I want to say, "IF? IF? Of course we need wisdom!"

We need wisdom to have healthy relationships, to worship God in the way He deserves, to earn enough money to live on and help others, to do our jobs well . . . I'm sure you can finish this list with dozens more ways we need supernatural, divine wisdom. 

James has the perfect solution: ask God. Pretty simple. And pretty wonderful. Our loving God, who is wisdom personified, will give us all the wisdom we need, if we just ask. Hooray and Hallelujah! 

And the best part? God will not scold us for asking. Isn't He so sweet?

We do our part: we ask. God does His part: He gives. 

What do you need wisdom for today? Let us agree in prayer for each other. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

What's the Big Deal about Jesus?

What’s the big deal about Jesus?
 Why are millions of Jesus’ followers willing to risk their lives and reputations to follow him?

   Because they believe he is who he claimed to be—according to historical records of his talks—the Son of God and the only way to God. They’ve experienced his love and forgiveness in their own lives.

  When a person realizes they’ve sinned and can’t change themselves, it leads to either despair or a search for someone who can give them hope.

     Jesus is that someone.

    Jesus lived a sinless life, taught about what God was really like, and healed the sick for three years.  

    Then he willingly let others kill Him to take the punishment for all our sins—everyone in history, including me. And you.


  After three days, he rose from 
the dead, proving that he was God in the flesh.

    When we believe these facts about Jesus and open our hearts to him, the Bible says we are “born again.”  Jesus comes to live in us, exchanging our sinful selves for his eternal life, making us God’s children.    

You can know that God has forgiven your sins, and that you will become a new person and one of God’s children simply by saying “Yes” to these questions:

1.      Do you believe that Jesus is God’s Son?

2.      Do you believe that He lived a sinless life, and died in your place, so you could be forgiven?

3.      Do you believe He resurrected from the dead, proving His deity?

4.      Do you acknowledge Him as Lord and God?

5.      Do you desire to live for Him?

     If you answered “yes” to these questions, the Bible says you are a Believer. Find a Bible teaching church to attend, be immersed into Jesus Christ, and you will be a new member of Jesus’s family!

     If you made this life-changing decision today, please email me at and let me know. I'd love to rejoice with you!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

How do you celebrate?

   Every year on Independence Day, Kevin and I love to attend our local City Band concert. These talented musicians play marches and other patriotic songs, and the atmosphere reverberates with patriotism. 

What's your favorite way to celebrate the 4th of July?

Thursday, June 6, 2024

How Can Good come from Bad?

       I had surgery in April to replace three wonky discs in my neck. The surgery went well, but the recovery was rough. I whined most days about what I couldn't do, even though Kevin, my Prince of a husband was willing to do everything for me (including housework and cooking!). After I got the dreaded collar removed and the dr. released me with no restrictions, I realized that not only was my nerve pain relieved, but also my posture had improved. What I thought was hindering me actually helped me!

          Kevin's aunt passed away a couple weeks ago. She was 98 and very sick.  Although we and all her family will miss her, we are happy she is in heaven with Jesus and her late husband, rejoicing and celebrating. 
          Jesus promised us in Romans 8:28, "I will work all things for your good if you love me." He will work the bad things in our lives for good. Our part is to love Him and put our lives in His hands. He knows how to redeem the worst situation and turn it around because He is God. 

Have you experienced Jesus making lemonade from your lemons? Do tell. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Why We Love Spring

Most people love Spring. And there are excellent reasons:
Baby animals are everywhere, giving us hope for the future.
Flowers and butterflies fill our senses with joy.
Warmer weather means more time spent outdoors. What's YOUR favorite aspect of Spring? Mine is everything!