Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Why Listen to Jesus?

I have an old, ratty wind-up timer (much more grungy than the one above).  I love that thing. It's face often. falls off in my hand or onto the kitchen floor  I've bought newer ones--a bright red apple, a fun yellow chicken to name a few. But none of them work as well or have that same familiar "ding" that reminds me of baking cookies with my mom when I could barely see over the counter to frost them. 

Some people might think I'm silly for using something that's probably an antique. They might be the same people who think the words of Jesus are obsolete, or only for His contemporaries. Yet Jesus's words contain powerful truths that are always relevant. 

"Don't keep the children from coming to Me. You need to become child-like if you want to be part of My kingdom."

"Take the speck out of your own eye first; then you can see clearly to help your neighbor with their faults." 

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can get to God apart from Me."

"I came to give you life, and life in all its fulness, till it overflows."

"Don't be afraid." 

That's what I mean. Timeless. Words of life. Words to live by. That's Jesus for ya. 

Do you have a favorite saying of Jesus that helps you live life to the full? 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Why give Jesus a Birthday Gift?

 Why give a birthday gift to Jesus

     Many years ago some friends suggested this to their children, to help their family focus on why we celebrate Christmas. This is why I decided to incorporate this excellent idea into our church's celebration of Jesus' Birthday. So our focus would shift from potlucks, cookies, and decorations. 

          We have a fancy purple Christmas gift box that sits on our piano at church. But it's empty. 

     I'm asking each member of our congregation to write--leaving off their name--what they plan to give Jesus for His birthday. And then put those gift promises into the empty purple box. At our Christmas Eve service, I will open the box and read aloud all the ideas people committed to do for Jesus. 

Here are a few things I thought to write on my own paper:

  • Prepare communion elements for the month of December
  • Repent of complaining
  • Give $XXX to an orphanage or homeless shelter
  • Invite someone who can't repay us to our home for Christmas dinner 
  • Show more respect to my husband

What will you give Jesus this year for His birthday? 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

How God Gives and Gives and Gives

I've always wanted to invite people over for holiday meals that had nowhere else to go, or no family nearby to share with. This Thanksgiving we get to have two extras--a friend of our daughter whose husband is traveling and a friend of our granddaughter who merely wants to hang out. 

Hooray and Hallelujah for dreams come true! God is Absolutely Good. He doesn't only give us what we need, but a lot of what we dream for. He is all about giving. 

I hope your Thanksgiving this year brims over and bursts with dreams come true, and new things to thank Jesus for!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Where's the Wisdom?

When I read James 1: 5, "If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won't correct you for asking" (CEV), I want to say, "IF? IF? Of course we need wisdom!"

We need wisdom to have healthy relationships, to worship God in the way He deserves, to earn enough money to live on and help others, to do our jobs well . . . I'm sure you can finish this list with dozens more ways we need supernatural, divine wisdom. 

James has the perfect solution: ask God. Pretty simple. And pretty wonderful. Our loving God, who is wisdom personified, will give us all the wisdom we need, if we just ask. Hooray and Hallelujah! 

And the best part? God will not scold us for asking. Isn't He so sweet?

We do our part: we ask. God does His part: He gives. 

What do you need wisdom for today? Let us agree in prayer for each other. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

What's the Big Deal about Jesus?

What’s the big deal about Jesus?
 Why are millions of Jesus’ followers willing to risk their lives and reputations to follow him?

   Because they believe he is who he claimed to be—according to historical records of his talks—the Son of God and the only way to God. They’ve experienced his love and forgiveness in their own lives.

  When a person realizes they’ve sinned and can’t change themselves, it leads to either despair or a search for someone who can give them hope.

     Jesus is that someone.

    Jesus lived a sinless life, taught about what God was really like, and healed the sick for three years.  

    Then he willingly let others kill Him to take the punishment for all our sins—everyone in history, including me. And you.


  After three days, he rose from 
the dead, proving that he was God in the flesh.

    When we believe these facts about Jesus and open our hearts to him, the Bible says we are “born again.”  Jesus comes to live in us, exchanging our sinful selves for his eternal life, making us God’s children.    

You can know that God has forgiven your sins, and that you will become a new person and one of God’s children simply by saying “Yes” to these questions:

1.      Do you believe that Jesus is God’s Son?

2.      Do you believe that He lived a sinless life, and died in your place, so you could be forgiven?

3.      Do you believe He resurrected from the dead, proving His deity?

4.      Do you acknowledge Him as Lord and God?

5.      Do you desire to live for Him?

     If you answered “yes” to these questions, the Bible says you are a Believer. Find a Bible teaching church to attend, be immersed into Jesus Christ, and you will be a new member of Jesus’s family!

     If you made this life-changing decision today, please email me at and let me know. I'd love to rejoice with you!