Monday, December 16, 2024

Why give Jesus a Birthday Gift?

 Why give a birthday gift to Jesus

     Many years ago some friends suggested this to their children, to help their family focus on why we celebrate Christmas. This is why I decided to incorporate this excellent idea into our church's celebration of Jesus' Birthday. So our focus would shift from potlucks, cookies, and decorations. 

          We have a fancy purple Christmas gift box that sits on our piano at church. But it's empty. 

     I'm asking each member of our congregation to write--leaving off their name--what they plan to give Jesus for His birthday. And then put those gift promises into the empty purple box. At our Christmas Eve service, I will open the box and read aloud all the ideas people committed to do for Jesus. 

Here are a few things I thought to write on my own paper:

  • Prepare communion elements for the month of December
  • Repent of complaining
  • Give $XXX to an orphanage or homeless shelter
  • Invite someone who can't repay us to our home for Christmas dinner 
  • Show more respect to my husband

What will you give Jesus this year for His birthday? 

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Oh, it's YOU! I'm so happy to see you here today, and look forward to reading your comments.