Sunday, October 31, 2010

Winner of Red Ink by Kathi Macias

Congratulations from the Panda Twins!
The winnner of Kathi Macias' book Red Ink is...

Joyful Chaos. Congratulations!!! Please email me with your address so I can send your prize to you right away.

Thank you to all who participated in the contest.

May the Lord protect and defend you, and grant you His peace that passes all understanding. May today be filled with His glory, and may He cancel every evil plot of the evil one, in His wonderful, powerful Name: Jesus.

With Love in the Lamb,

P.S. Please join me tomorrow to enter my 3rd annual I Love My Blog Followers Prize Basket Giveaway of Office Products!!!


  1. Pandas are adorable!
    Blessings on the day.

  2. Congrats to the winner. Have a good week!

  3. HAD to peek out of the writing cave (yes, still in confinement) to see these pandas.

    Did you find your cat?????

    Love you,

  4. Hi Jen,
    It's After 11:00 PM, and my husband just got the mail, and the book I won from you, for being your 150th follower has arrived. I'm thrilled, it is the perfect book for me. Thank you sooo much! Your a blessing!
    God bless you,
    Michele Katherine

  5. Thank you so much for having this giveaway! I'm excited to have been chosen the winner and look forward to reading the book.



Oh, it's YOU! I'm so happy to see you here today, and look forward to reading your comments.