Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Prayer for Emotional Healing

I had planned a post on pet peeves, but that will have to wait. This is a chapter from a book I'm working on. I trust this is what you need today.

                                                      When You Need Emotional Healing

My friend is tired to her gut, Lord. She’s tired of pretending she’s okay when she wants to scream and weep and sink into the earth and never hurt again. You know how she feels, for you felt that same screaming ball of nothingness in your belly as they draped You onto two wooden beams, then nailed you fast, so You wouldn’t escape the pain. A pain not only physical; but the vilest soul pain that You were separate from Your Father’s heart and His gaze that kept You close, and His voice that wrapped You.

He turned His back on You, and You bore it so we wouldn’t need to. Yet, she bears it anyway; broken and not knowing she can be whole. Or empty of hope for even a scrap of a put-together life.

Jesus, Shepherd who never leaves a sheep alone, hold her until the hurt leaves. Tell her she’s not a disappointment to You. Sing her songs You composed only for her and no other, so she’ll feel Your custom-made love and know You had a reason for her. Show her that reason in a thousand ways, dear Mender of Broken Lives.

She knows she’s broken, but she doesn’t know why, or she doesn’t want to know for fear the pain is all her fault. Set her free with the truth that the thief has stolen her joy and ripped her value away. Shine the light of Your admiration for her into the deep places she’s not aware of, so she’ll believe and not argue when You say, “I love you, daughter.”

Grace her to release offenses she’s held tightly in her fists and locked in the oldest diaries of her memory. Cause her to walk upright, gazing into Your broad smile of forgiveness and strength. Guide her steps to sweetest life. Make her believe that she can be whole, as she rests in the crook of Your arm and listens to Your lullabies.

In Jesus’ Name, so be it.

References to Scripture: Matthew 27:46; John 10:11-17; Psalm 139; John 10:10; I John 4:18


  1. Such a beautifully written prayer for the emotional health we all want.


  2. A beautiful prayer to be sure. I've had days that needed this prayer. :O)

  3. It's beautiful Jeanette. I feel the hurt and the deep despair of this woman. clella

  4. It's beautiful... hopeful, restful, it really reaches the 'gut'.

    (I deleted the earlier comment as I forgot to 'edit' it for typos.)

    I can think of several friends who need this very thing today, and others who will relate, even if the 'need' isn't so pointed today. I'm sending your posting link to them.

    I especially love "Sing her songs You composed only for her and no other..." I'm taking that for me!

    How lovely to share it with us!

  5. I am very glad my friend, Brenda Leyland, gave me the link to your blogsite. Your prayer has touched a sensitive place in my heart. At times I felt like you were praying specifically for me. May God bless you.

  6. Sweet Brenda shared your link with me. I am grateful. Beautiful prayer.

  7. My prayer is often that He would quiet me with His singing.

    Beautiful post.
    ~ Wendy

  8. Thank you, Brenda, for sharing this with your friends. I wrote this for a specific soul whose pain is beyond reason, and I'm gratified that it's helping other souls as well.

    Love you all,

  9. Thank you for the beautiful, heartfelt prayer. There were many times when I needed to know what you put in those few words. Actually, I always need to know it. Thankk you.

  10. Thank you for sharing this, Jen, and I pray for the person you had in mind when writing it.


  11. I like the "custom-made love" line. I pray your friend (and many others) find healing through this! You're so loving.

  12. We just never know when someone we meet might be hurting beyond belief. It's wise to ask the Holy Spirit to give us discernment when dealing with people. Thanks for sharing my friend.

  13. Restful and freeing - good words to meditate on. Thank you for sharing, Jen!

  14. Jeanette, this post from your heart shines with love for this hurting woman. I know she will feel His love reaching through.

    Blessings for her.

  15. Thank you for sharing this Jeanette. It is helping my soul too. Sometimes the hardest part is just letting Him love us.

  16. Lovely! It touched my heart where it needed to today.

  17. I feel like you wrote that for me. Yeah, I'm shallow that way, but thank you! XOXO

  18. Tana: I'm GLAD you feel that way! I wanted this prayer to minister to everyone who reads it, not just the one I had in mind when I penned it.



Oh, it's YOU! I'm so happy to see you here today, and look forward to reading your comments.