Monday, October 3, 2011

Have you Hugged Your Pastor Today?

I’m not telling you that October is Clergy Appreciation Month because my husband is a pastor. But because your minister needs to know that you appreciate him or her.

If your pastor, preacher, or priest is like my husband, he or she:

• weeps as they stand by the graveside of your loved one;

• spends countless hours praying and preparing messages they hope will help you live freer and happier lives;

• rejoices when your team wins a game, your test results come back fine, or you get a new job;

• sits with you while your spouse or parent goes through surgery;

• counsels you during the throes of marital trouble;

• answers the phone and the doorbell at all hours, regardless of what activity it interrupts,

• does all this with a smile and a heart full of love for you, and the Lord who called them to minister to you.

I know you appreciate the services your minister does for you. I’m sure you could think of twenty other items to add to my list without much thought. Sometime in the next thirty days, show them what they mean to you by giving them a card, telling them how they’ve touched your life, or praying for them.

It will make their life and job sweeter, and you’ll be blessed for honoring them.

Have you ever had a thankless job? How does it make you feel when someone notices and appreicates you?


  1. Thanks for this reminder, Jeanette. Pastors are true servants and we often take them for granted, don't we?

  2. Thank you for this message! I'd forgotten that it is that time of year to SHOW appreciation to our Pastor, even though we should be doing it all year long...

    Hugz to you!

  3. Thank you for letting me know it is Clergy Appreciation Month. It is also Canadian Thanksgiving this month and this ties in nicely. Although, like Tamara said, we should show appreciation all year long.

  4. Love this post. May I have permission to reprint on my blog w/a link to your blog? Let me know . . . :)


  5. Our bulletin yesterday mentioned this. I'm going to start writing notes...handwritten, you know the way it was done in the old days. :D

    ~ Wendy

  6. Loved this Jeanette! I need to write a note to our pastor. Every Sunday I walk away thinking how much his sermon's shape and challenge me! I need to tell him that. Thanks for this reminder.

    Blessings to you and your husband as you serve the body of Christ. We appreciate you!


  7. Jeanette:
    We have three pastors, a Senior, an Associate and a Visitation pastor. Our church is part of a yoked ministry with a sister church on the south end of our town. That means their workload has doubled. I spent this past Saturday afternoon with our Senior pastor driving around town praying for our city, its residents and businesses. This was a part of our denomination's Community Day of Outreach.

  8. I need to drop my pastor a note. It's been a long time since I did that last. Thanks for the reminder, Jen! :)

  9. I'm currently blessed with the best pastor I've EVER met. He is always joyous and inspiring, 365 days each year. Thanks for reminding me to tell him. =)

  10. I love helping people know how to honor their pastors. Preach it, sister.


  11. Definitely underappreciated. I hope your husband gets lots of hugs.

  12. This is a very good word and thanks for the reminder.

  13. This reminds me of how blessed we are to have the pastors that we've got!! Thank YOU, too, for all you do alongside your husband, to enrich and round out his ministry. You're such a valuable part of it, you know.

    Bless you fabulously! That's what I pray He'll do.


Oh, it's YOU! I'm so happy to see you here today, and look forward to reading your comments.