Friday, June 1, 2012

7 Time Management Tips

If you have trouble managing your time, I like you. You remind me that we all struggle with similar issues, and that makes me feel not so alone. From my syllabus on Time  Management Secrets & Strategies, which you can order here, I give you seven helpful tips:

1.        Don’t spend time with negative or lazy people. They’ll bring you down and hinder you from reaching your God-given dreams and goals.

2.      Learn to say “no” without apologizing.

3.       Always put your keys in the same place. ALWAYS.

4.      Organize your closet, either by type of garment or color. This will streamline choosing an outfit.

5.      Exercise. The best way is to find a sport or strenuous activity you enjoy, and do it regularly. Park far from the store entrance to make yourself walk. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Do tasks standing up instead of sitting to burn more calories.

6.      Laugh frequently. Find things to make yourself laugh. Hang around funny people. Laughter releases the same endorphins that exercise does, so it keeps you healthy and relieves stress.

7.      Pray instead of complaining. Griping weakens you, both physically and mentally.
Which is Your Favorite?


  1. For me, it's a toss-up between the KEY one and the LAUGHTER one! (And right up there with the KEYS I'd say the same for my CELL PHONE. I'm really having problems with these 2 right now!)

  2. Been learning so much about 1 & 2 this year and practicing my heart out with 6.
    ~ Wendy

  3. All these tips are good! I need to work on #4 and #5.

  4. I have to work on number 4. My closet is scary.

  5. I feel less stressed already. Thank you, Jeanette! :)

  6. Okay, number three is hilarious because it's sooooo important. Yes, I totally agree. But number two is probably the most pertinent to me living a stress-free life...or at least a less stressful life :) I say yes way too often and always feel guilty when I say no. It wastes a lot of energy and usually the other person doesn't even mind that much. I need to remember this. Thanks, Jeanette!

  7. What great ideas. I use most of them. I need to exercise a bit more. Does going downhill and getting the mail count? Organizing is one of my favorite things to do.

  8. Okay, Cindy. Ask me how I know about NO, and why YES can get you into trouble.
    And Nancy, yes it counts. Everything counts. I even do most of my work at my day job staning up, because I read where you burn more calories that way! HA!

  9. I find #4 very interesting. I try to hang slacks and the tops I wear with them on the same hangar. I said, I TRY!

    "Without apologizing" is an interesting concept.

    1. Yes, no apology says you respect your choice, and you don't owe the other person an explanation. If it's my Mom, husband, or kids, I usually give an explanation, but an apology implies that I really don't believe I made the right decision.

  10. Right there with you, Jen! I use most of these tips with the exception of color coordinating my closet. I do keep pants separate from blouses and dresses. That's a start, isn't it?

    Lately, umbrellas seem to have a mind of their own. I lost one last week.

  11. Jen:

    Useful tips! As for saying “no” without apologizing, I read years ago to treat the word “no” as a complete sentence. That concept changed my relationship with people (and myself) for the better.

    Your tip to always put keys in the same place warmed my heart because I have a relative who has a "key drawer" at his home, but puts his keys anywhere but. For his last birthday, I bought him a wireless key locator to help him find his keys pretty much each day. It’s priceless for people who intend to put their keys in the same spot, but can’t seem to remember to do so! Lol.

    Great post. Blessings!

  12. Umbrellas, huh? Wow.

    Janette: I never heard of one of those--a novel idea!

  13. What I love about all these tips is they are about taking care of yourself instead of how to manage your day! Taking care of oneself naturally causes one to be more effective. I forget this often. I find organizing my closets and pantry make me feel much better too.

    1. Lynn; I never even realized that when I was writing them--they are things that have worked well for me, so I figured others would benefit from them, too.

      Happy Day,

  14. These are awesome. Staying away from negative/lazy people is so crucial and something that too many people don't do. The key one is great too! OH, how much time can be saved w/ that one. Thank you!

  15. I love #2&3! My word for this year is "no". I'm trying to say no without apologizing. It's not always easy, but I'm learning. :)

    1. Melanie: We like to say yes because it makes others like us. But if we say it too many times, we don't take care of ourselves and then we become resentful of everyone wanting favors. No is a healthy word!


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