Friday, July 13, 2012

Recognize Bad Advice and Winner of Ditzy Doings Prize

Bad advice. At least once, we’ve all listened to it, then wished we’d spit it in a bucket somewhere.  
As serious writers, musicians, parents, or friends, we are forever looking for ways to improve our skill and reach more hearts with our lives. We read books, attend conferences, and go on as many blogs as we can, to get the best advice possible.  
But sometimes we come across a bit of bad advice. If we know it’s bad, good. We can spit it out like a cow spits out the stubble, only swallowing the grain. If we’re unaware that it’s bad, then not good. We can go down a wrong path in our career, or at the very least, waste precious time.  
A frustrated writer once told me not to read craft books, stating that my writing was good enough and those books would only confuse me. Had I listened to this bad advice, I would be a much poorer writer than I am today. With the help of all the craft books I’ve read, in spite of that poor advice, I believe my writing is improving every time I sit down to type, or get out my journal to muse.  
Have you ever read or heard some bad advice concerning your writing, or another skill? Did you know it was bad, or did you listen to it, later realizing it wasn’t sound? How do you sift advice to weed out the stubble from the precious grain that nourishes?
And now, the Winner of our Ditzy Doings Prize goes to...

GLENDA CHILDERS of  Gg-notes on the journey
Congratulations, Glenda, for making us feel so smart, and for being courageous enough to share your fun moment!

If you'd like to see what ditzy doing won Glenda a tropy and a $5 gift card, click on this link: Win a Prize for the Most Ditzy Doing!

Good Advice-filled Day,


  1. I was recently told not to write in first person present tense--that it would never sell. Well, just picked up a bestseller book and guess what--it's written that way. So I guess I will stick with my gut.

  2. Congrats, Glenda!

    Oh Jen, I've heard some strange advice. Someone told me to start my novel with lots of backstory. (I spit that one out!)

  3. Ah, bad writing advice. I tend to have feelers for it, although I have fallen prey to it at times in the past. Less often with age, thank goodness!

    As for how I sift advice, I sift through gut-feeling, plus I consider the source. I tend to surround myself with people I admire professionally and personally, so that ensures a greater likelihood of good advice being sent my way. ;-)

    Blessings to you and yours!



Oh, it's YOU! I'm so happy to see you here today, and look forward to reading your comments.