Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Give and You Shall Receive... Perfume?

When Jesus said, "Give and you shall receive," He was talking about money.

Or was He?

Perfumania, my sweet story of giving and receiving the oddest of things, is on  Christian Devotions Online today. Won't you join the fragrant fun?


  1. This was a very good devotional, Jeanette. It pricked me a little...were there times I should have given more or something better?

    Can I get this devotional app on my iPhone?

    Blessings Jeanette.

    1. Yes, Barb, you can go on the Christian Devotions site and sign up to receive the daily devos on our iphone, or sign up on Amazon. Thanks for liking it that much!

  2. Jeanette: As usual, you have a way of pricking my conscience. Thank you for doing it.

    1. Oops, didn't mean to do that, Quiet! Only to show how generous God is!

  3. Loved that story Jeanette. It tells the truth of who God is. Thank you.


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