Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Encouraging Quotes Game and Winner of I Love My Blog Followers Drawing


Do you love encouraging quotes? Me too. Can you match the speaker to his or her quote? See the end of this post for the answers, along with the winner of the I LoVe My BlOg FollOwerS DraWinG.

1. "Success is never final. Failure is never final. It is courage that counts."

2. "Easter means you can put truth in a grave, but you can't keep it there."

3. "You must do the thing you think you cannot do."

4. "All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen."

5. "Just because something is hard doesn't mean it isn't God's will for you. Just because something is hard doesn't mean you can't do it."

A. Eleanor Roosevelt

B. Ralph Waldo Emerson

C. Joyce Meyer

D. Winston Churchill

E. Veronica, Ann Lamott's pastor

And now,  THE winner of the I LoVe My Blog FollOwers DraWinG:
One of the Best Devotionals
I've Ever Read!
Quiet Spirit from Follwing My King blog. Congratulations, Quiet Spirit! I am so happy for you! I will mail 52 Heart Lifters, white chocolate, and heart-shaped sticky notes to you.

Thank you to all who entered the drawing. I appreciate you!

If you chose the following speakers for these quotes, you are a winner, too!

1. D
2. E
3. A
4. B
5. C

Which was your favorite Quote?


  1. A big congratulations to Cecelia (quit Spirit)! yeah, way to go. I love the quotes Jeanette, thanks for sharing!

  2. Congratulations to Quiet Spirit! And I love those quotes, although I didn't do very well in matching them up....

  3. Thank you, all . I love quotes. I am partial to number 5. I have had times when I felt I couldn't do something but God showed me how and led me to do it.

  4. Hi Jeanette! I am a blog-friend of Quiet Spirit, so I'm so happy she won! (Well, if it couldn't be me of course!) I loved the quote about Easter the best. Not being able to keep the truth in a grave. Now that's encouragement :)
    Blessings on your day!


Oh, it's YOU! I'm so happy to see you here today, and look forward to reading your comments.