Occasionally I will do what my husband calls a “Bible dash” and read through the New Testament in as few days as possible. Last month I did that and discovered three fun facts about Jesus I think are significant.
1. Jesus is generous.
When Jesus multiplied a few little biscuits and fish from a young boy’s sack lunch to feed a multitude of thousands, there were baskets of leftovers. And not just Red Riding Hood-sized baskets—these were enormous baskets!
When Jesus told Peter to go catch a fish to pay his taxes, there was a coin in the fish’s mouth that equaled enough money to pay both Peter’s and Jesus’ taxes.
2. Jesus values children.
He tells us to become like them, not to look down on them, that the Father wants none of
them to perish, and that we’re not to hinder them
from coming to Him.
He stuck up for the children who
praised him in the temple and defended the moms
who brought their children to him to be blessed, rebuking his disciples when they tried to prevent the kids from coming to Jesus.
In the cases of Jairus’ daughter and Lazarus, Jesus could have easily healed either one. Instead, he delayed and they died. Later on, he resurrected them. Sometimes a dream, a situation or a relationship in our lives seems dead. We wonder why Jesus doesn’t just step in an fix it. Why does he delay? Perhaps he waits, knowing that he wants to fully resurrect it, so we’ll see how much he loves us.
I hope you’ll try a Bible dash sometime. I always find new insights I’d not seen before, and it’s fun to get an overall view of the whole Bible or the New Testament.

Jeanette: This is an interesting concept. Thank you for sharing it and for the insights you gained. Peace and Blessings to you and yours.
ReplyDeleteThis is interesting, Jen. Never thought about it in those terms. :) I'm so thankful He died for our sins and sicknesses. We're blessed!
ReplyDeleteHi Jeanette, we always learn something from the word, no matter how many times we go through it, fast or slow :)
ReplyDeleteGod bless, great post
LOVE it! THank you. And yes, I love to find new insights.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of a Bible dash, I do it sometimes. At other times it is exactly the opposite... I linger for days, sometimes weeks at a certain chapter, I just can't get past it.