Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Why Does God Take So Long?

image by gerait
Did you ever wonder why God takes so long to answer some of your prayers, while others—mighty few, if you ask me—get answers right away? Me too. 
            According Psalm 138:3, the Lord answered David on the very day he called. “On the day I called, you answered me, you increased my strength of soul” Psalm 138:3 (NRSV).

God’s answer was to increase David’s boldness and strengthen his soul. He didn’t immediately rescue David from his enemies, but the fresh courage he gave David provided an answer in itself. God took away David’s fears so that he could confidently say, “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me.” 

I always want God to fix every problem in my or my loved one’s lives immediately.Heal the disease right now—no more pain or suffering, please. Open a door for a new job today—no more living from paycheck to paycheck, barely making ends meet. Fix the relationships that are broken this minute—make us understand and accept each other and act like adults.

            He rarely comes through that fast. I often say to myself or others, “Why does God take so long?” I generally have to stand fast in faith for days, weeks, even years before I see the changes I want. 

            But he does answer me on the day I call. By offering me his supernatural courage and strength, He makes me bold. He causes me to stand up on the inside, rather than crumpling in defeat. I know he loves me. I know he listens when I call. That assurance gives me the confidence I need to say, with David, “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me.”

image by Alexas fotos
            Father, please increase your strength in my soul. Help me believe you’re at work even when it doesn’t look like circumstances are changing for the better. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Are you standing in faith for something today that makes you wonder, "Why does God take so long?"  How can I agree in prayer with you?


  1. Jeanette; I love Psalm 138:7-8. In the KJV, where I initially found it, it reads, "The LORD will perfect that which concerns me." At the time I found this passage. I was very concerned about a circumstance in my Hubby's life. What he thought was going to happen has not happened yet. God did take care of what concerned me. Peace and blessings.

  2. Thanks for this post Jeanette, I can relate :) And how wonderful you use Psalm 57:2... I used the exact same verse last week on my Dutch blog and this morning on my English one. Now I am reading your post and I see it as a confirmation that God wants us to know this for sure... he will fulfill His purpose for us!


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