1. Get up earlier. Even fifteen minutes can help you get a jump-start on the day, and add extra motivation to your dreams.
2. Pray. I know you know that you reap whatever you sow (Gal. 6:7). If you spend time worshiping God and praying for others and yourself, He will give you back more time to pursue your aspirations (or just wash the dog!).
3. Turn off the TV. If you need entertainment, read. Readers are leaders.

5. Stay away from doubters and negative talkers. They will drain the energy from you.
6. Unless you find cooking energizing, use simple recipes that require few ingredients and short prep time.
7. Delegate.
Any I missed, that you’ve found helpful in saving time?
Loved this post. My husband preached on Sabbath rest while we were in Bosnia. He said when we tithe our time, God gives us back more. I found that true. When I spend time in God's Word and prayer each day, things just fall into place throughout the day, my mind is sharper and my creativity peaks. I love it when God writes for me instead of me banging my head for ideas. Have a happy writing day, friend.
ReplyDeleteThese are wonderful, and spot-on. In my efforts to be focused and driven, and following my dream but not forgetting to help others, all these will be crucial.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jen!
Not watching TV has changed my life. I get so much more done, including all the novels I've written.
ReplyDeleteAnd you make an excellent point about being cognizant of who we associate with...part of why I come around here so often!
It's uplifting here!
~ Wendy
I love how all your points are simple, and easy to implement--no electronic gadgets needed! I do like lists, though. I used to start my day writing gratitudes and the 6 top priorities that needed to get done and move me forward to my goals. It helped develop new habits as well.
ReplyDeleteExcellent tips! I plan to share them with my kids, especially my son who is on an awesome spiritual journey into leadership and service to the Lord.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Wendy about associations, and your special corner of cybersapce ;) Always worth my time stopping by to visit you.
Great post! I would add, limit time online. It's a big waster for me. ;-)
Oh jeepers ... you always have the perfect reply to my blog posts! :) LOL I'm going to reread your blog today about 400xs! :)
ReplyDeleteGood stuff! See, number 4 - this is why I hang out here. :)
Hugging you sweeties for your kind commments. Thanks for making my day!
ReplyDeleteLove you,
I love #4 (exactly, Karen!). I just gravitate toward joyful, fun-filled, positive people. Totally agree with #5, by the way, and say a hearty "yea and amen!"
ReplyDeleteLove you!!
Great suggestions, Jen. Like Lynn, I find making a list helps me prioritize. Then I can live in the moment, focused on one thing at a time, and not waste time fussing about what else has to get done.
ReplyDeleteI can't embrace #5 and still minister to the people God places before me, but it's sure true that the time spent with them is tiring. Then I need that extra fifteen minutes in my day to recharge with Him. :)
Such practical and doable tips.
Good list Jeanette, can't think of anything else! Skipping tv will make a huge different!!! I got rid of mine years ago and the days are so much longer!!
ReplyDeleteWhooeee, I like the delagate one! :P Seriously that is a wonderful list.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I am lovin' #2 and #5!
I get up early every morning and walk 40 minutes on my treadmill. I read while I'm doing it...so two birds with one stone!
ReplyDeleteHi Jen -
ReplyDeleteI try to do everything as efficiently as possible. I put out my clothing the night before, pour my cereal while the computer is booting up, and listen to the song I'm learning while I'm working on the computer.
Although I watch minimal TV, I discovered you can clean a bathroom during the commercials for a one-hour show. :)
These are wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI have two rules I "try" to apply. #1. Always put prayer and time in the word first. I can SO tell the difference on days that I get distracted and put off my prayer/journaling time.
#2. As Mary Kay (yes, of the cosmetics regime) said, never put more than 5 things on your daily to-do list.
After YEARS of discipline, I do fairly well with #1 now. #2, not so much... my to-do lists tend to look like Santa's.
These are great tips, Jen. I think #3 is the one that has the most benefit for me (when I do it)
ReplyDeleteSince having foot surgery five weeks ago, I've slept in later than my usual 5:30 rising time. A few mornings ago I woke up at 5:15 and thought, "Oh, I don't want to get up yet," but then remembered this post! I forced myself out of bed so I'd practice what I'm preaching!
ReplyDeleteI get up ten minutes early to read a chapter of the Bible each day. It's a terrific way to greet the morning! And yeah, I've had to simplify our meals. Great tips!
ReplyDeleteGreat lessons to be learned here.
ReplyDeleteI love to cook but one of my biggest time savers is that I cook up big batches of stuff then freeze it in servings of two. Mounds of things freeze well, I began this when I was teaching. I can always pull out a great homemade entree, bake a 'tater and toss a salad and have a meal faster the the drive through can take your order.
Healthier too!!! :o)
God bless ya sweetie and have yourself a marvelous day!!!
Great tips! I trained myself to get up early, but somewhere along the way, I lost it! I'm slowly getting back on track in hopes of finding more time!